Thursday, May 2, 2013

Maybe we are making some progress!

The seeds...

I posted a picture of my overachieving pumpkin seedling on the 29th, here are a couple of pictures that I have snapped since then: 

May 1st at 9:25 AM

May 1st at 11:30 PM! Wow, what happened while I was at work!?

And May 2nd at 12:15 PM. WOW! What a difference 24 hours can make! I really feel like we are starting to make progress.

The plants...

We woke up to another wonderful present from the Rain Gods this morning. I am really disappointed in the Weatherman, it was supposed to be nice and dry overnight and we didn't take any sort of precautions to keep our buckets from flooding. Fortunately, it wasn't a lot of rain. Our strawberry plants must be starting to actually USE nutrients, the nutrient/water level was much lower in the buckets than I would have expected, given the rain. The net pots were about 1/4" submerged in the solution, but now the solution is barely covering the bottom of the pots.

Zack's solitary little strawberry is ALMOST all red now. He is chomping at the bit to eat it, I am afraid that he will pick it way before it is ready.

We haven't potted our watermelon vines or our Cherokee Purple tomato yet, we are scheduled to do it today, but it is still a little misty outside.

Our pretty little tomato precursor!

Hell Juice...

So, after creating the Hell Juice on April 30, I suffered from severely burning hands. The combination of jalapeno, habanero, and garlic juice was not kind to my skin! Of course, I Googled the problem, coming up with results ranging from milk, to automotive hand cleaner, to rubbing alcohol. Guess who doesn't have any milk or rubbing alcohol in the house?! I ended up washing my hands with automotive hand cleaner, alcoholic mouth wash, and Jose Cuervo Gold (I shudder to think about the cost of that hand washing session!). The pain in my hands subsided enough for me to sleep, only to revive after my shower the next morning. Finally, I found the solution: hand sanitizer! My hands are OK now, just a little tender, but I smell garlic CONSTANTLY! My coworkers assured me that it was all in my head, but I just KNOW that I walked around smelling like a vampire hunter last night.

Anyway, now that I am finished whining...

The Hell Juice actually worked! I gently misted it onto my strawberries and bell peppers and watched the little bugs scurry away in agony. I haven't seen one since!